Toplap Barcelona
Artistic collective
It is a collective that practices and promotes live coding as a creative audiovisual technique, as a critical approach to technology and a research process. This is a performative practice of creation in real time through the writing of code, making it a fundamental part of the work performed. The code is projected, allowing the audience to see the development of the programme and accessing, as it were, the thoughts of the writer.
Live coding visualises the score, it is a vehicle for the performance of music and algorithmic images, transforming the compositional process into a live event, externalising it. By its nature, it promotes the development of community work tools as an alternative to technological and cultural consumption.
Through Toplap Barcelona's activities (concerts, workshops, meetings), questions have arisen around the aesthetic possibilities derived from the high or low level of programming languages, the understanding of code, or the possibilities of manipulating time, timbre and other sound and visual parameters.
In the four years since its creation, Toplap Barcelona has established relationships with artists and other live coding communities around the world. It is the live coding node of Barcelona and promotes the exchange of artists between communities and other nodes, welcoming and inviting personalities from all over the world to participate in its activities. It also aims, within its possibilities, to support local artistic communities that want to take their projects beyond the local level.

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Activity finished